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Task States

What is it?

  • Task states are automated monitors that show up when needed showing you the flow of the tasks.

Unique insights and benefits

  • Task States show if the tasks are at risk, at danger, delayed, in progress, or done.

  • Tasks that are in progress can also be at risk, at danger, or delayed.

  • If the task is already done but at some point it has been in danger, delayed, or at risk, the block will have an indicator on it.

    • At risk applies when the task hasn't started yet but it was supposed to, or the previous task is at danger or delayed.

    • At danger applies to a task that is near its due date but isn't finished.

    • Delayed is a task that is late with delivery dates.

  • Task states can be turned on and off from the settings.

  • Task states work with integration apps and send you messages notifying you about the flow.

  • Task States show up in any view.