What is it?
Offtimes are non-working days, more specifically days off or vacations. Those are not the same as weekends.
If a worker gets an unexpected or even planned day off it’s entered into the system as an offtime.
Unique insights and benefits
Offtimes are naturally intertwined with items in your timeline, e.g. tasks, events, spikes, and more.
An Offtime automatically locks the designated interval in your schedule, as well as auto-splits and auto-adjusts tasks as needed, and updates delivery dates to accommodate your absence.
This feature helps you understand deadlines and adjust tasks or reassign workers as needed, with real-time updates for better timeline management.
Offtime is a time-sensitive block. New tasks assigned during this period will be split or adjusted to optimize the schedule.
If there's an event or spike in activity during your offtime, the system will automatically bypass your schedule.
You can add an offtime for yourself and your co-members based on your access level.
When a worker needs a day off they add an offtime into the system. The added offtime makes changes and pushes deadlines. By seeing the entire schedule of the workers it is a lot easier to manage the tasks and the deadlines.