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Panoramic View

What is it?

  • Panoramic view is a special feature that allows you to have a bird eye view where every element has its own characteristics. It is used to see how the things are going on a high level.

  • In the Panoramic View you see elements shown in a chart like form. Every element has its individual characteristics.

  • It is for wide vision, for bigger periods of time to understand the overall process. This feature is not going to give a granular level view.

Unique insights and benefits

  • Panoramic view works with financial forecast. You don't get detailed, more granular level budget inspection but a more global understanding of the budget.

  • The main purpose of the panoramic view is to show you what happened and what is going to happen, for bigger sprints, by giving you a sort of graph.

How to use

  • You turn the panoramic view on from the Holistic View. Now you can see the combination of all the tasks, events, spikes and offtimes from wider vision.