
Adjust tasks or reassign workers

What Is It?

Off-times in TaskSensor are designated non-working days, distinct from weekends, more like vacations or planned days off. When recorded, these periods automatically lock the designated schedule interval.

Tasks are adjusted and split as needed, ensuring seamless deadline management even during your absence. This feature provides real-time updates for adjusting tasks and reassigning work, optimizing timeline management effectively.

Unique Insights and Benefits

Integrates with your timeline, affecting tasks, spikes, and other scheduled activities.

Locks your scheduled interval, adjusts tasks and updates delivery dates in real-time.

Acts as a critical time-sensitive block, ensuring new tasks are split or adjusted to optimize schedules, maintaining workflow continuity.

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#Step 1

Imagine a scenario where a worker needs a day off and adds an offtime into the system.

#Step 2

Once the offtime is added, it automatically adjusts schedules and shifts deadlines accordingly.

#Step 3

By viewing the comprehensive schedule of all workers, it becomes easier to manage tasks and deadlines effectively.