Initiative Boards

Dedicated repositories

What Is It?

Initiative boards are essential tools within TaskSensor, designed to keep your ongoing tasks organized and distinct. They serve as dedicated repositories for all information related to specific initiatives, ensuring clarity and focus.

By using initiative boards, you isolate and prioritize tasks associated with each initiative, preventing overlap and maintaining organizational efficiency. This focused approach allows you to manage projects effectively within their designated contexts, enhancing overall project management capabilities.

Unique Insights and Benefits

Integrates seamlessly with popular apps like Slack, allowing you to import tasks directly from these platforms, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Provides a clear view of member availability across other boards, minimizing confusion by displaying occupied spaces where team members are engaged in different initiatives.

Utilize the Initiative board to assign tasks and schedule events. Any changes made here automatically update across relevant boards, ensuring consistency and alignment across multiple teams and projects.

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#Step 1

Start by organizing your initiatives. Create dedicated boards for each initiative or project within TaskSensor, ensuring all related tasks and details are centralized for clarity and focused management.

#Step 2

Utilize integration features. Connect TaskSensor with integration apps like Slack to seamlessly import tasks and updates directly into your Initiative boards, keeping everyone informed and workflows streamlined.

#Step 3

Monitor and adjust tasks across boards. Keep track of task progress and team availability within each initiative board. Use the Initiative board's unique capability to view and manage member allocations across different projects, optimizing resource utilization and minimizing delays.