
Our pricing scales with you and your needs

Our Unique Features

We’ve integrated spikes, initiative conflicts, unexpected days off, and events into a single user-centric timeline that adjusts automatically and interacts with your tasks

Speed and Ease

Discover the advantage of our project management tool, designed to turbocharge your workflow

Strategic Insights

Elevate your project management with our Strategic Insights section, a set of tools designed to optimize every aspect of your workflow

Dynamic Workflow Management

Track your project efficiency with our Dynamic Workflow Management set of tools and keep your projects running smoothly

Try All Features

Choose your best fit plan to start and enjoy your 14 days free trial of all of our features no matter which plan you've chosen.

Other Features

Our pricing scales with you and your needs

Auto Splittable Tasks

Holistic View

Panoramic Vision

Kanban View

List View

Task View

Virtual Users

Holistic Dashboard

Custom Fields

Guesstimation Board

Status Flow

Workflow Automation

Priority View

Slack integration

Objective View

Special Sprint Control

Board Default Filters

Backlog / Icebox

Search Engine

Manual Split Option

Status Automations

Readonly Boards

Interactive Help

Monthly Vision

Mobile App

Access Control

Task Field Values

Task Priority

Task Type

Task Links

Project View

Project Management

Team Management